Last week was a busy one for DC JWJ! Together, we have been fighting and winning with DC tenants and workers! Thanks for standing with us, and check out the ways you can stay involved.
End Rentflation Wins for Tenants!
End Rentflation Campaign, made up of tenants and coalition partners, successfully advocated for thousands of tenants in DC and passed legislation that will mitigate the detrimental effects of the rent hike on DC residents. Over the past six months, DC Jobs With Justice has worked to prevent the 8.9% rent increase from going into effect May 1st for the 90,000 rent-stabilized households across DC. Our
Although it was not exactly the outcome we wanted, our advocacy won a cap on rent increases at 6% this year and 12% over the next two years, and provides extra security for those 62 years of age or older and tenants with disabilities with a cap at 4% this year and 8% over the next two years. The law will go into effect July 1.
Since the outset of the End Rentflation Campaign, we advocated for a 5% annual cap on rent increases, aiming originally to stop the 8.9% increase from going into effect at all. In April, the Council - deterred by DHCD - failed to move legislation that would have done this. As a result, hundreds of households have received their notice of rent increase for 8.9% and are struggling to find a way to pay or facing displacement.
From April onwards, we continued to oppose the rent hikes and work on finding a new legislative solution. Our new demand became a 5% cap this year, and a 10% cap over the next two years in order to protect those who had already received the 8.9% increase. We came close to this demand in the final legislation, despite the Council’s delays and disregard for the needs of tenants and heavy push-back from the landlord lobby . We are thankful to our strong allies on the Council, namely Councilmembers Lewis George, Nadeau and Parker, for pushing the Council to pass more progressive and tenant-centered legislation.
This is a win for residents across the city and a show of tenant power in DC!
What is next for the End Rentflation Campaign? Want to stay involved? Fill out this form so you can stay informed! Or email [email protected] with any questions.