Tulsi Gabbard for President

Jack —

I’m just getting back on the van after speaking with voters all the way up to when the last polls closed. We don’t know the results yet but before we do I wanted to take a second...

I just got off the phone with Caitlin, and she gave me the incredible news: We just passed our $1.5 million goal, and just in time. Mahalo, Jack. I’m so incredibly grateful for your support.

We’re ready to hit the ground running tomorrow in Charleston, South Carolina... but I can’t help but take a minute now to reflect on how far we’ve come:

Our first campaign visit to the Granite State was more than 356 days ago, and more than 110 town halls ago. I’m so proud of how we’ve grown!

We’re doing this, Jack. And we need to keep it going! Can you chip in any amount right now to keep this amazing momentum going into South Carolina?

Together, we’ve shown what happens when Democrats, Independents, Republicans, Libertarians and undecided voters stand united in our common cause to restore dignity, honor and service to the highest office. To end regime change wars and the new Cold war, and to invest those trillions of dollars to meet the needs of the American people.

Together, we’ve shown what’s possible when we put aside partisan interests and work for the well-being of our country, our people and the planet.

Together, we’ve shown what we can accomplish when we work side by side and treat each other with respect.

Can I count on you to stand with me as I carry this spirit of respect and aloha to South Carolina?

With warm aloha,
