National news outlets like The Wall Street Journal continue to sound the alarm on Democrats’ chances of defending our Senate majority in 2024, folks.
REMEMBER: Democrats need to defend FIVE Senate seats in toss-up, battleground states Wisconsin, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Montana just to maintain our slim 51-49 majority.
And right now, Mitch McConnell and his GOP dark-money groups are committed to spending UNLIMITED resources to win back these five Senate seats and take total control of Washington.
But Democrats are able to defy the odds, beat the outside expectations, and WIN BIG when we have the support of small-dollar, grassroots donors all across the country.
And that’s why we’re coming to you right now with an urgent request, folks:
Will you pitch in $25 to boost the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents in Wisconsin, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Montana to defend our Senate majority? Because without your help, the Senate will once again lean heavily in Republicans’ favor.
For Democracy,
Blue Senate