Today, Ben led a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Born-Alive Abortion
Survivors Protection Act — a bill he authored right after joining the..
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We’re NEVER giving up on our fight to protect the sanctity of life.
That’s a promise.
Today, Ben led a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Born-Alive Abortion
Survivors Protection Act — a bill he authored right after joining the Senate.
Add Your Name to Support the Bill
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The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act says something really basic:
a baby is a baby, and she deserves protection, especially after a botched
abortion. That’s it. It shouldn’t be controversial. Unfortunately, it has been
maligned and misrepresented since its inception by its opponents and Planned
Parenthood’s army of lobbyists.
The bill simply reaffirms our commitment to protecting life for the most
vulnerable among us by:
* Mandating that doctors provide medical care for babies who survive an
attempted abortion and transport the baby to a hospital.
* Requiring health-care professionals to report someone who breaks the above
* Creating penalties for doctors who intentionally kill a newborn if it
survives an abortion attempt.
But the Democrats won’t even pass this bill — the last time Ben got a vote on
it, 44 Democratic Senators voted against it.
Add Your Name to Support Ben’s Fight For Life
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But, we remain undeterred. Our movement is pro-baby, pro-woman, and
pro-science. We understand that a society is judged by how it treats its most
vulnerable citizens and we will do everything in our power to protect them.
If you want to show how strong our movement is, please consider adding your
name at the link below and joining Ben in standing up for babies across the
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-Team Sasse
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