Hi John,
Firstly, a quick reminder that Nicola Willis, our Deputy Leader and
Finance Spokesperson, is in town this Wednesday. Here are the

Speed up Kāpiti and Horowhenua
Our petition is going really well. I sent a submission to Kāpiti
Coast District Council on Friday, and now Horowhenua are starting
their process. It's really important we keep building the number of
signatures for both Horowhenua, and to take to Wellington. If we don't
do anything Labour will force most of our streets to slow to 30km/hr;
I think we should have targeted zones around places like schools at
certain times of day, but not everywhere all the time. This is

Planting trees with Kāpiti
Crime is out of control
It was really sad to visit another local dairy who'd had suffered
an aggravated robbery. This sucks! The answer cannot be putting up
cages for shop owners and hoping fog cannons make it safer; the answer
has to be getting tough on these offenders, coupled with a targeted
approach (National's Social Investment) that tackles the causes of
crime. We need to get kids back into schools, schools focused on
teaching the basics brilliantly, and then transition everyone into the
workforce after school.

Outside Manakau Store checking in
after the robbery
What will National do?
I'm really keen to share more of our plans for a better New Zealand
as we get NZ back on track after October. The media don't always put
our latest ideas front and centre, so read
for yourself here about our plans to:
Fix the economy to reduce the
Restore law and order, and
- Improve our schools and healthcare.
There will be more to share as we get closer to the election.

Levin Rugby
Three simple ways you can help from home
Stick a sign on your fence in August. We're
looking for a house in every street (including cul-de-sacs) where we can
put a small sign up in August for two months. If you could have one at
your place, no matter how quiet you think your street is, we'd love to
hear from you. Please. Email me back, or fill in this form.
Invite me to meet your friends, workmates, or
neighbours. Can you host a short meeting over a cuppa where I
can meet you, your friends, neighbours or your work colleagues? It can
be at home, work, the farm, a cafe, or wherever you'd like to meet.
This is a very low-key way to get meaningful engagement without having
to go out on a limb. We ran these last election and they got a great
response from people across the political divide.
Share and like my posts on social media. If you
share one of my posts to your page it really does make a big
difference. The more it gets shared, the more Facebook share it to
other people as well.

Paraparaumu College
I'm really grateful for your support, and I hope you can join us
this Wednesday to meet Nicola Willis, and hear National's plans to get
NZ back on track.

me on Facebook