Dear John,
This is Natalie Portman on behalf of Caring Across Generations. When I was growing up, I thought my mom’s generation had fought and won the same rights as men in this country. But, over time, I realized the fight wasn’t over.
Now, as a mother of two, I see how traditional gender norms are still at play in our families: The bulk of family care responsibilities falls on women and care is seen as unskilled “women’s work.”
This means women have fewer career opportunities than men and there’s a real lack of critical support programs for caregivers, like paid leave for all and affordable child care. These are the programs Caring Across Generations fights for every day. Their staff, Fellows, and nationwide care coalitions are working so hard to change the status quo for women in the U.S.
Be part of the fight my mom’s generation started and help win real support for women caregivers by donating $20 to Caring Across Generations right now.

Even though there are more male caregivers than ever, women who care for their families suffer economically. Last week, the Department of Labor released a groundbreaking report noting that unpaid family caregiving reduces a mother’s lifetime earnings by 15 percent – that’s approximately $300,000!
Poll after poll show the majority of voters support programs like paid leave for all and affordable child care. Initiatives like this would allow more women to thrive in their careers and would make care more visible in our culture.
Here’s the good news...
Caring Across Generations is actively pushing our electeds to truly invest in care by using its relationships on the Hill, its vast coalitions across the country, and its online platforms. And, because of their work, caregivers – especially Black, brown, and immigrant women – are getting the attention they deserve.
Please join me in donating to Caring Across Generations today and help expand choices and opportunities for women and their families.
Through the essential work of this organization, caregiving is slowly being recognized as highly-skilled work and is being valued for the critical role it plays in keeping our economy functioning.
Thank you for reading. The fight for gender justice continues!
Natalie Portman, actress and mother