Everywhere you look, the media and political pundits say I’m one of the “most vulnerable” Democratic senators and this seat is one of the “most likely to flip” in 2024.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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Senator Murphy is working hard to win not just his own race but help re-elect his colleagues and hold Democrats’ slim majority. That’s why we’re sharing the important request from Sen. Jon Tester below with you today. Thank you for your support.

Folks — Everywhere you look, the media and political pundits say I’m one of the “most vulnerable” Democratic senators and this seat is one of the “most likely to flip” in 2024.

The target on our backs will only get bigger as we grow this campaign—Mitch McConnell and national Republicans will stop at nothing to take this seat and gain back their majority. So before I go any further, can you split a $10 donation between my campaign and Chris Murphy to help keep our seats and Democrats in control of the Senate?


The truth is that this race will be tough. The attacks will be nasty, brutal, and downright deceitful. And all of our hard work will amount to a hill of beans if we don’t have the resources to fight back.

I pride myself on making Washington look a little more like Montana—it all comes back to helping your neighbor. I’m in this race to ensure that folks across the country have food on the table, good-paying jobs, and the freedom to make decisions for themselves without out-of-touch politicians getting in the way.

We still have work to do to make this country work for everyone, but we won’t make any progress if Mitch McConnell becomes Majority Leader again. That’s why I need your help to keep me in the Senate delivering results for Montana families.

What do you say, folks? Can you split $10, $25, or whatever you can between my campaign and Chris Murphy’s reelection today to help us win and keep the political pundit prophecies from becoming a reality in Montana?


I appreciate your support so much—especially now. Early investments make all the difference, so thank you in advance.



Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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