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Today's Intelligence News & Opinion
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The CIA Used a Swiss Company to Spy on Countries for Decades–Or Was It NSA? -- The Washington Post may have attributed the "intelligence coup of the century" to the wrong agency.

Haspel's 'Hero Worship' of Trump Betrays the CIA's Mission, Ex-Officer Says -- "Those of us who have worked with Haspel over the years had little expectation that she would push back against this president.

Bellingcat: The Implausible 'False Flag' Theory About a Syrian Chemical Attack -- The claim of a 'managed massacre' does not fit the facts of the Douma attack. 

Last Assassination of the Cold War -- Thirty years ago, U.S. trained forces killed six Jesuits priests to blunt a left-wing offensive. The costs of lawlessness in El Salvador are visible on America's southern border.
How Conspiracy Theories Fuel Venezuela's Crisis -- 
The government uses them to discredit the U.S.-backed opposition. Opposition hard-liners use conspiracy theories to discredit those who don't favor U.S. intervention.
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