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Weekend Edition, June 10-11, 2023


Phony Climate Change Catastrophe… And Why Americans Will Foot the Bill

David Stockman

The Great DOJ Werewolf Hunt

James Howard Kunstler

How Capitalism Redefined Masculine Virtue

Ryan McMaken

The Five Events That Will Destroy Earth & Humanity

Helena Glass

12 Ways To Cut the Chains of Financial Serfdom

Charles Hugh Smith

There Never Was an Offramp in Ukraine

Tom Luongo

Matriarchy, Transgenderism, and the Great Cuckening

Donald Jeffries

30% of Americans Have Fatty Liver Disease

Dr. Joseph Mercola

‘Directed Evolution’: In Lockstep Towards the Abyss

Peter Koenig

Army Excuse for Renaming Fort Bragg Full of False History

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Former President Donald Trump Charged in Classified Documents Probe

Julie Kelly

A Capital Offense

Theodore Dalrymple

Political Theatre

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