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Hi John,

Sometimes you just need to show up and demand action in person.

The state's dental lobby has blocked increased access to affordable dental care for a decade. They've spread misinformation about dental therapy, a proven method of care. They've stood between low-income communities and the opportunity for healthier futures. 

Enough is enough!

This upcoming Thursday, February 13, we're co-hosting a rally at the state capitol to demand that lawmakers stand up to the dental lobby and finally pass dental therapy this session-- and we're inviting you to join us.

There is a critical lack of access to dental care in our state, particularly for low-income people, people of color, and people who live in rural communities. Almost every single county in Washington state is short on dental care professionals (37 out of 39, as this article in The Stranger reported today).

Dental therapy, which is gaining national attention and momentum (it was even featured on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee last week!) is the proven solution to these issues of accessibility and affordability. We can no longer allow the dental lobby to stand in the way of essential healthcare. Lawmakers need to put the health and well-being of their constituents FIRST!

Come make your voice heard alongside ours! We will have a bus leaving our office in Seattle's Wallingford neighborhood on February 13 (bus leaves at 10:30 am, please meet around 10 am). Please email Omar ([email protected]) to sign up for the bus. 

You can also simply join us at the Capitol the day of the rally: we will be at the sun dial (center of the capitol campus) at noon. We can't wait to see you there!

Show up for dental therapy!