Hey, folks!

I’m sitting down with my team next week to go over our campaign strategy for the summer months, and I want to hear feedback directly from my supporters before we meet. It would really help us out if you could take a few moments to tell us your top issues as we head into summer >>

I wish I could grab a Friday beer with you, to listen and learn about what’s on your mind—which issues you and your family talk about at your kitchen table and what keeps you up at night.

Jon Tester holding up a beer to cheers you!

But until I can be in two (or ten) places at once, a survey is the next best way for me and my team to hear from you.

Filling this out shouldn’t take more than a minute (or two, tops) and your input goes a long way in guiding the direction of our campaign. Can I count on you to take a moment to fill out the survey now?

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. We couldn’t do any of this without you!
