
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke's

DHS Climate Change Research Act

in the House of Representatives


Last night, my bill, H.R. 4737, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Climate Change Research Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives. The DHS Climate Change Research Act takes important action to address America’s national security concerns in the face of our changing climate.

Climate Change is not only an existential threat to our planet, it is also a major national security risk to Americans at home and abroad.

Today, more than ever, it is critical that we understand both the impacts that climate change is having across the globe, as well as the implications of these impacts to our national security.

Specifically, the DHS Climate Change Research Act will:

  • ensure that the Department of Homeland Security fulfills its mission of conducting research to advance homeland security;
  • direct the Science and Technology Directorate to conduct analysis and technological research on how DHS can confront climate change;
  • implement a high level of accountability to the American public by mandating annual reporting to Congress regarding the research and projects that DHS has undertaken in the previous year.

It is critical that we address the homeland security implications of climate change in greater depth. I am happy that Congress took bold steps to addressing this crisis by passing my critical legislation which safeguards communities across the nation from future climate impacts.