Jennifer is determined to push back against the wave of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and legislation.

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Jennifer Wexton for Congress

JOhn, did you see Jennifer's message about Pride Month?

To show our solidarity — and push back against the tide of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and rhetoric being advanced by the GOP — we're determined to help reinvigorate the push for the Equality Act.

To stay on pace, we're hoping for another 2,000 people to sign on to support the Equality Act before this week ends. JOhn, will you add your name today? Every voice matters in the fight for justice.

Thank you,

Team Wexton

— Begin Forwarded Message —


Pride Month is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, promote their visibility and dignity, and recommit to fighting for their equal rights. We honor the countless LGBTQ+ activists and trailblazers who've led the way — from the first brick thrown at Stonewall to the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.

But as we celebrate greater inclusion and all the progress we've made, we must remember that the fight is far from over. And it's clear we're facing many new obstacles to equality.

I'm alarmed by the wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation being passed in Republican-led states (particularly bills targeting trans youth). I'm very concerned by the recent rise of harsh and often threatening rhetoric about LGBTQ+ people that's been platformed by GOP politicians and media outlets like Fox News. So this Pride Month, we need to demonstrate solidarity and make it clear that hate cannot and will not win.

One of the most effective ways to do that is by demonstrating the broad support that exists for policies that expand LGBTQ+ rights. So I am renewing my call for Congress to pass the Equality Act, which would ensure that sexual orientation and gender identity are covered under federal civil rights laws.

I was proud to co-sponsor this bill when I first got to Congress, and I will not rest until it becomes law — no matter how long that takes. Will you add your name and help me get 15,000 citizen co-signers this month in support of the Equality Act? Together, we can send a powerful message that a strong majority in this country stands with the LGBTQ+ community and wants active measures taken to protect their rights and respect their dignity.

Add Your Name ➞

Right now, Americans in a majority of states can be fired from their jobs, denied credit, or evicted from their homes just because of who they are and who they love.

Passing the Equality Act will advance fairness and justice, and it will improve the lives of millions of Americans. I'm under no illusions about the obstacles we face, but we have a moral imperative to keep the pressure on. The message we send now matters down the line — whether in two months or two years.

I'm proud to fight for my family and friends in the LGBTQ+ community — this month and every month. Please JOhn, join me and sign on to support the Equality Act →

Thank you,



Rep. Jennifer Wexton proudly serves the 10th District of Virginia. She's fighting to create a strong economy, ensure equality for all, and invest in a better future for America.



Paid for by Wexton for Congress
Wexton for Congress
PO Box 650550
Sterling, VA 20165
United States

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