June 9

Fireside Sessions

Texas Rangers Bicentennial Celebration

Last week, I had the great honor of presenting my resolution commemorating the bicentennial anniversary of the Texas Rangers at the Texas Ranger Bicentennial BBQ Cook-off at the Extraco Base.

ImageAs North America's oldest law enforcement agency, these distinguished officers are respected worldwide. Rangers have stopped the assassination of presidents, responded to riots, and taken out traffickers, drug smugglers, and murderers. They investigate the most serious crimes, protect our borders, combat terrorism, and keep our communities safe from cartels. Texas Rangers have been featured in over 227 movies and 7 television series, making the agency a permanent fixture in American culture.

At the cook-off, I enjoyed meeting generations of retired and present Rangers. It was a privilege to publicly honor such a distinguished group. Thank you to all the brave men and women who have served and presently dedicate their lives to keep Texas safe.

In March, I was proud to introduce the Texas Ranger Bicentennial Resolution in the United States House of Representatives. This resolution recognized the Rangers’ 200 years of dedicated service and numerous accomplishments. I also hosted a press conference in front of the Capitol with Texas Ranger Major James Thomas and Members of the Texas Congressional Delegation.

Addressing Staffing Challenges on the Border

On Tuesday, I participated in a House Oversight National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hearing called Law Enforcement Staffing Challenges at the Border. Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari was the hearing witness. The information presented at the hearing covered a recent Inspector General report entitled audit called “Intensifying Conditions at the Southwest Border are Negatively Impacting CBP and ICE Employees’ Health and Morale." The report warns that unless DHS changes their current staffing management, “heavier workloads and low morale may lead to higher turnover and earlier retirements… worsen[ing] staffing challenges and degrad[ing] CBP and ICE’s capacity to perform their mission.”

ImageDuring the hearing, Inspector General Cuffari, gave testimony reviewing current border law enforcement staffing levels and protocols at Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). His report is crystal clear. Our historically high levels of illegal immigration are directly related to inadequate preparedness, workflow management, and ongoing staffing challenges at the southern border. Despite the current border laws that give “clarity” to national security, the enforcement agents are not set up for success. A lack of planning from the Biden Administration is making the brave men and women who protect our border overwhelmed and stretched to their physical and psychological limits.

In response, as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce, I wrote a letter with Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs Chairman Grothman to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The DHS recently decided to deploy over 1,400 non-law enforcement personnel to the southwest border in anticipation of a massive surge of illegal immigration following the expiration of the Title 42 public health order. Our letter requested documentation concerning the decision and the impact on DHS functions including critical protection of airports and ports of entry. Upon receiving this information, we will review the conduct of DHS and provide appropriate Congressional oversight.

America’s border enforcement agents are on the front lines protecting our country. DHS and the Biden Administration should pay more than lip service to them by properly staffing CBP and ICE during historically high levels of illegal immigration.

You can watch my full remarks during the subcommittee hearing here.

You can read the letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas here.
Pete Sessions
Member of Congress

