Biden’s DOJ has indicted President Trump…


Last night, President Trump announced that he was informed he will be INDICTED by Biden’s Department of Justice.

For the first time in American political history, the administration of a sitting President has indicted their predecessor and leading opponent in an upcoming election.

Joe Biden is taking our country down a dangerous path towards becoming a Marxist dictatorship where any opposition to the ruling regime is mercilessly suppressed.

This kind of blatant interference in our elections – designed to subvert the will of the American people – cannot be allowed to stand, John.

In these dark days for our Republic, we need to elect PROVEN America First fighters who will put a STOP to this disgusting abuse of power.

I’m the only true pro-Trump conservative in West Virginia’s critical Senate race.

That’s why I’m asking for your support as I take on two corrupt establishment politicians who have no interest in defending President Trump and DRAINING THE SWAMP in Washington.

Please make a contribution to help elect me to the Senate so we can build a pro-Trump, America First majority in the upper chamber.







President Trump has faced unprecedented witch hunts from corrupt left-wing Democrats since the day he announced his presidential campaign.

The phony Trump-Russia collusion LIE. Two sham impeachment trials. A fake prosecution by a far-Left Soros-funded District Attorney in New York City.

ALL of those ended up being complete and utter FAILURES…

So the Left escalated their latest witch hunt by having Biden’s Department of Justice baselessly bring federal charges against President Trump.

Remember: Classified documents from Biden’s time as Vice President were found in his office in Washington D.C. and his garage in Delaware.

Unlike President Trump, he had no ability to declassify these documents.

Where is his indictment? Why wasn’t his home raised by the FBI?

The radical Left-wing bureaucrats in the Biden Administration have made a complete and utter mockery of America’s justice system.

I know the American people aren’t going to surrender to this tyranny. I have complete faith that President Trump will prevail and become our next President.

But unless we win here in West Virginia, the Senate will still be controlled by Biden and Kamala’s far-Left allies.

So please, make a contribution to help elect me to the Senate so we can build a pro-Trump, America First majority in the upper chamber.

Thank you,

Rep. Alex X. Mooney
Candidate for U.S. Senate (West Virginia)


As the son of a Cuban refugee mother and a Vietnam War veteran father, Alex Mooney grew up knowing freedom must always be defended against the evils of socialism. Today, Congressman Alex Mooney is the only proven conservative running for US Senate in West Virginia. He has always voted to defend our constitutional liberties against government overreach.

Unlike his opponent, Alex Mooney has never voted for a tax increase or wasteful government spending. He is the only candidate with a 100% pro-life voting record as well as a proven history of always defending our 2nd Amendment. In Washington, Alex has never been afraid to take on the liberals, including tyrannical COVID-19 bureaucrats and open-borders extremists.

Congressman Alex Mooney and his wife, Grace, live in Charles Town in Jefferson County with their three children.

Paid for by Mooney for Senate, Inc.

P.O. Box 1003 Charles Town, WV 25414

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