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The Department of Marine Resources announces the following Emergency Rulemaking:
CONCISE SUMMARY: This rulemaking is in response to increased recreational fishing catch and release mortality on the Saco River below the Cataract Dam. Anglers are reporting large amounts of dead striped bass below this area and the DMR has concluded that this is directly linked to targeting fish in a confined area with no way to properly release fish without causing a high discard mortality. The striped bass is in a rebuilding stage due to a significant increase in 2022 recreational removals which substantially reduced the probability of rebuilding the stock by 2029. This emergency rule is part of a larger regulatory framework to ensure this stock rebuilds and is required to avoid unusual damage to the striped bass resource. For these reasons, the Commissioner hereby adopts an emergency action to modify Maine?s Gear Restriction Regulation, Chapter 55.99, as authorized by 12 M.R.S. ?6171(3)(A).
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 10, 2023
A copy of the Emergency Rule can be found here.
A press release on the Emergency Rule can be found here.
This email was sent to [email protected] using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: Maine Department of Marine Resources?? 21 State House Station ? Augusta, ME 04333-0021? 207-624-6550 |