On EWTN: Cardinal Burke
Explains Reasons to Deny Communion
Dear Faithful Catholic Action
For those of you who may not have
watched “The World Over” program on EWTN last night, host Raymond
Arroyo conducted a powerful interview with our patron, His Eminence,
Raymond Cardinal Burke on the issue of Holy Communion.
In the wide-ranging interview,
Cardinal Burke primarily addressed the critical issues regarding canon
915 of canon law that motivated his recent book, Respecting the Body and Blood of the Lord
(published by Sophia
Institute Press in April).
Among other things, the book
touches on the thorny issue of denying Holy Communion to public
figures who publicly mock fundamental Church teachings both in their
policies and in their scandalous lives.
Catholic Action supporters will
remember our Ash Wednesday campaign this year to get the clerical
version of this book into the hands of all 41,000 bishops, priests,
and deacons in the United States. Thanks to the generosity of our
supporters, that campaign was wildly successful in raising
consciousness among the clergy of the issue that confronts our Church
on a regular basis.
Respecting the Body and Blood
of the Lord is a lay
version of the same book and was co-authored by Catholic Action
President, Thomas McKenna, who added practical commentaries at the end
of each of the eleven chapters.
If you didn’t see the half-hour
interview or if you’d like to see it again, the button below is a link
to this email which takes you right to the video.
One final item of note: on Monday
of next week (June 12th) Catholic Action will
issue a major statement on another critical issue of our day. Stay
Sincerely yours in

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family http://www.catholicaction.org/