From Joe Benincasa, Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Grateful for you
Date June 9, 2023 5:31 PM
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We are so thankful for your support of Giving Day!

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Entertainment Community Fund

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Dear John,

I'm thrilled to share some great news: thanks to the generous
support of our community, we met our $10,000 match during
Entertainment Community Fund Giving Day!

We are so thankful for the many ways everyone came together to support
Giving Day. Your continued dedication to ensuring members of the
performing arts and entertainment community have the safety net they
need is truly inspiring!

If you haven't had a chance yet to make a Giving Day
contribution, there's still time for you to have an impact. You
can make a gift now, and it will still be counted towards Giving Day.

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we're so grateful for your support of the Entertainment
Community Fund!

With gratitude,


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Joe Benincasa (he, him, his)
President and CEO



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to help those in need in performing arts and entertainment.







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NY: 212.221.7300  |  CA: 323.933.9244 
|  IL: 312.372.0989

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[email protected] | 800.221.7303
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