At the ACLJ, we're dedicated to unearthing and defeating this astounding level of corruption. Just this week, we uncovered even more shocking revelations through our FOIA lawsuits that Comey's FBI provided sweetheart immunity deals to Hillary Clinton's lawyers, including agreements to destroy evidence and even evade federal records laws.
But we only accomplished this through dedicated legal work in court. We've gotten results and we've broken news. Our FOIA lawsuits have helped expose Comey's circle of corruption.
Now we're gearing up for the next legal battle with the Deep State. We just submitted new records demands directly to the FBI for detailed records about Comey's actions and what exactly this FBI spy in the White House was doing.
We're getting to the bottom of this. We're ready to go right back to federal court - and win again - but we urgently need YOU. Join with us in our legal action.
Sign Our Petition: Investigate & Defeat Deep State Spying.
J. Sekulow
P.S. Thank you. Because of your dedicated support and generosity, we not only met but exceeded our goals last month. You make this work possible.