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We know that this is a make-or-break decade for not just our city, but our country and planet. The science could not be clearer and the stakes could not be higher: we must act now to save our Earth and create a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

This week we’re taking the next step with my 25th Executive Directive, turning the promises in our Green New Deal into action in our communities: affirming our commitments on clean buildings, transportation, energy, and more — and adopting stronger accountability measures to align the work of City departments with our goals in fighting the climate crisis.

This follows our work that began back in 2015, when we launched our Sustainable City pLAn to kickstart climate action across L.A. Last year, we launched L.A.’s Green New Deal to accelerate our efforts and show the country and the world that it is not only possible, but necessary, to protect our environment and build an economy that works for everyone. 

I was proud to be joined by a diverse coalition of elected officials, environmental advocates, business leaders, and young climate activists to sign my Executive Directive and kick off a decade of action on climate

Our Green New Deal leads with bold action to zero out Los Angeles’ main sources of harmful emissions: buildings, transportation, electricity, and trash. Adopting this agenda will make the city a global model for how to create a more sustainable and inclusive economy.

To help get it done, my new Executive Directive includes measures to:

  • Develop a series of bus and light rail infrastructure improvements — such as bus only lanes, signal priority, and queue jumpers — to improve transit speeds by 30% by 2028.

  • Promote walking, bicycling and micro-mobility with a comprehensive Citywide network of active transportation corridors, including Class IV protected bike lanes, Class I paths along regional waterways, and Class III low-stress neighborhood bike improvements.

  • Accelerate the City’s bus fleet target to be entirely zero emission in time for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

  • Support Metro in the development of a Congestion Pricing pilot program.

  • Encourage City pension boards to explore divesting from fossil fuel companies and investing in the green economy.

  • Mandate that all new construction, major upgrades, and retrofits of municipally-owned buildings demonstrate a pathway to carbon neutrality.

  • Expand low-income and multi-family household access to local clean energy.

  • Ensure that City Hall is zero waste by 2025.

  • Amend the City’s Green Building Code to ensure all new roofs and renovations are cool roofs.

And we’re already putting these steps into action. Our LAFD has made history this week as the first fire department in North America to purchase an electric fire engine.

In everything we do, we’ll continue leading the charge and setting an example for how to protect the planet, grow our economy, and make this a city of opportunity for everyone. 

Learn more about our Green New Deal for L.A. Share this news on Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Garcetti
Your Mayor

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