Earlier this week I wrote to you asking for your support for trans kids this Pride. In states across the country, these kids are being attacked by legislators and politicians—with both words and harmful new laws.
Here’s what I know: I will stand up for trans kids today, because they are the ones being attacked—I will not stop fighting, even if it’s not the popular or politically expedient thing to do.
And whoever the next target by dangerous, unhinged political forces is, I will stand up for them too. Because I am a scientist and a doctor, but more importantly because my default mode is compassion and empathy.
Look, I’ve been attacked by my former political opponent and current representative in Congress on this very subject. Here’s what those attacks amounted to: scare tactics to bring out the extremist members of her base.
The GOP does not care about transgender people, transgender kids, or gender-affirming care. They care about winning elections. They understand the political power of “othering” the most vulnerable in society, and, right now, that is trans kids.
That’s why we need to take action right now to fight back. Join me in writing a letter directly to your state reps today→