Help Make the Moral Poverty Action Congress a Success

Dear John


Poor People's Campaign leaders from around the country are coming to DC for an action, planning, training, and inspiration very soon. Those of us who live in the area have a great opportunity to help make the upcoming Moral Poverty Action Congress a success.

  • Local volunteers are needed on Sunday June 18th, Monday June 19th and/or Tuesday June 20th to help set up, greet attendees, help with registration for the Moral Congress and help out at the rally. Can you spare a couple of hours? Sign up here or respond to this email.
  • Attend the rally on Tuesday June 20th at 4:00pm to hear the Poor People's Campaign co-chairs Bishop William Barber and Reverend Liz Theoharis and moral witnessses send this message: The US Congress and the President cannot continue to ignore the voices of the 140 millon poor and low wealth in this country. Save this date - June 20th at 4:00 pm. More information will be available soon by email and at
  • Donate to help cover the meal and transportion costs of the DC folks attending the Moral Poverty Action Congress. Any amount will help. Donate here.


June is Pride Month! TOMORROW June 10 at 3:00 March with DC Poor People's Campaign in the annual Pride Parade. RSVP for more infomation.

Forward Together! Not one step back!


Liz, DC Poor People's Campaign




In the words of Bishop Barber:


"The moral priorities of extremists are so off that the fate of the world economy gets resolved by kicking needy people off of food stamps. What a disgrace, and how clear an emblem of their warped priorities. 

The punitive way of thinking of extremists - that suggests it’s the working poor, and not the idle rich, who must pay for America’s fiscal policy shortcomings is death by policy and we must call it that. The great contradiction of this debt ceiling is that, while poverty is the fourth leading cause of death in the country, this deal will make it harder to get food stamps, but easier to spend money on war. The politicians may have made their compromise. But this deal is a default of fundamental human rights and love. 


Until we get a deal that invests the great riches of this nation in ensuring equal justice for all, beginning with the poor and low-wealth of this nation, we cannot be satisfied. For too long, they have been out of our nation’s abundance." 


RSVP HERE for more information.