29 out of 30 MLB teams celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month
in June with scheduled theme nights. For the second year in a row, only one team doesn’t — the Texas Rangers.
While this decision is beyond aggravating to the Left, the Rangers explained their perspective by saying, "Our
commitment is to make everyone feel welcome and included in Rangers baseball. That means in our ballpark, at every game, and in all we
What's so wrong with that? Last we
checked, the Biden administration said it would always stand for inclusivity!
You see, LGBTQ+ Pride Month isn’t actually about inclusivity. It’s about one group of people having preferential
treatment over another. It’s about turning a blind eye to the rise in policies that aim to sexualize our children or force us to
abandon our sincerely held religious beliefs.
At the Republican Party of Texas, we stand proudly with the Texas Rangers in opposition to woke gender and sexuality
policies. Biden and the Radical Left envision a wicked version of America, where we are forced to worship at the altar of sexuality,
and our children are free to make life-altering decisions to their bodies without parental consent.
That’s downright wrong, and we’re not afraid to say it. Parents — not government
bureaucrats — have the God-given right to guide their children’s moral upbringing.