Friends -

Tonight — while you’re making the last GOTV phone calls to New Hampshire and then waiting for the results to come — I want to make sure you know this.

If we do well tonight, we need to be prepared for an unprecedented wave of attacks from the political establishment.

Super PACs, attack ads, op-eds, corporate media hand-wringing... you name it, they’ll throw it at us. The kitchen sink, and probably the plumbing too.

So we’ve got to be ready. The billionaire class will be getting their big money ready after tonight. So we need to get our movement ready too.

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign? We can’t let the billionaire class buy this election. Use this link to make your donation:

Thank you for being part of our movement. We’ve come this far because of you. Now, let’s get ready for the next part of this primary so that we can win the nomination, defeat Donald Trump, and transform our country.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager