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Friday, June 9th, 2023


Russia-Bashing Blowback

Pepe Escobar

FBI Helps Ukraine Censor Twitter Users and Obtain Their Info, Including Journalists

Aaron Maté

‘What Is a Girl?’

Sasha Stone

The Current Accepted Racism Is Evil as All Racism Is Evil: White People Matter as Much as Anyone Else!

Gary D. Barnett

The Entire Euro System Faces Failure

Alasdair Macleod

Those ‘Dam’ Russians… Now They’re Flooding Themselves for Propaganda!

Finian Cunningham

Saudi Arabia Welcomes Blinken

Helena Glass

The Department of Homeland Security Is a Threat to the Homeland

Paul Craig Roberts

USDA’s Phony ‘Animal Welfare’ Rule and Other Shenanigans

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited

Restoring Truth

The Electric Codpiece

Eric Peters

Look Around and What Do You See? Social Defeat

Charles Hugh Smith

Political Theatre

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