Dear John,
In just one year, from June 6th to 9th, 2024, the citizens of Europe will have the opportunity to elect a new European Parliament. This upcoming election has immense significance for both the people and the planet.
During our 37th Congress held in Vienna last weekend, we established the groundwork for our Green election campaign. We are getting ready to campaign!
Within this newsletter, our aim is to provide you with a summary of the decisions made by the Congress delegates and explain their implications for our campaign.
Green Spitzenkandidaten duo
The European Greens will field a duo of top candidates (Spitzenkandidaten) for the next presidency of the European Commission.
“We are very happy with the huge majority of delegates who voted to put forward a duo of top candidates (Spitzenkandidaten) for the 2024 EU elections. In line with our feminist values, at least one of them should be a woman. For us Greens, transparency on the leading candidates is crucial to give citizens the democratic choice they deserve in the EU elections. As a citizen, you have the right to know who will be put in power as the next President of the European Commission with your vote. Backdoor horse-trading between the member states in the European Council for the EU’s top job can no longer be tolerated.” –
Mélanie Vogel and Thomas Waitz, co-chairs
The duo of Green top candidates will be elected at the Electoral Congress of 2 – 4 February 2024 in Lyon, France.
One year until the European election:
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Our Green family is growing
The Congress delegates voted to welcome four new members:
Livre, Portugal (full member)
Vesna – Zelena Stranka, Slovenia (associate member)
Párbeszéd - A Zöldek Pàrtja, Hungary (associate member)
Pessoas-Animals-Natureza / PAN, Portugal (associate member)
In addition, our Latvian member party Progresīvie has been voted to become a full member of the European Greens!
“The social and climate urgencies affect every European citizen. Across Europe, people are rising to fight climate change and to protect democratic freedoms. Our continuous fight for climate and social justice attracts new parties. No less than 4 new parties from eastern and southern Europe are joining the Green family in the run-up to the 2024 European elections.” – Mélanie Vogel and Thomas Waitz, co-chairs
Attacks on climate and nature policies
The EU Green Deal was born after the Green Wave in the 2019 EU elections, where the European Greens achieved a historic result following a campaign focused on climate protection and social justice. The Green Deal is crucial to fighting climate change, creating jobs through a just transition, and ensuring Europe's independence from Russian energy.
“In recent weeks, we have seen members of the European People’s Party (EPP) and Renew Europe join forces with the far-right in a backlash against nature at EU-level and across Europe. They peddle false far-right narratives and attack the Nature Protection Law, the EU Green Deal, and climate policies. We will protect these policies. It is time to focus on implementing them and phasing out fossil fuels now. So that our children and grandchildren can grow up in a Europe that is fair, just, and green." – Mélanie Vogel and Thomas Waitz, co-chairs
Watch keynotes and plenaries on demand!
Opening of the 37th European Green Party Congress
Alma Zadić, Minister of Justice (Austria)
Werner Kogler, Federal Spokesperson of Die Grünen (Austria)
Thomas Waitz, co-chair of the European Greens
A Secure Future for All: The Green Transformation of Our Energy Systems
Leonore Gewessler, Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
Maria Ohisalo, Minister of the Environment, Finland
Michał Smoleń, Head of Energy & Climate Research, Instrat think tank, Poland
Hosted by: Thomas Waitz, co-chair of the European Greens
Just Transition: Towards a Green Economy and a Social Union
Johannes Rauch, Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, Austria
Melanie Vogel, Co-Chair of the European Green Party
Ernest Urtasun, MEP responsible for the Just Transition paper
Kadi Kenk, Board member at Ecopreneur, and Head of Circularity at Responsible Business Forum Estonia
Hosted by: Judith Pühringer, Co-chair of the Viennese Greens
The closing statement by our Secretary General Benedetta De Marte.
Congratulations to Maura Rose McMahon, who has been elected to our Finance Advisory Board, and Antoine Tifine, who has been elected to our Amendments Committee. We wish them good luck for their new mandate!
Take charge of your future. Donate Green.
European Greens © 2022 Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.