It’s Pride month, and I want us all to remember that often, our greatest form of resistance is celebration.
We recognize Pride this year amidst an unprecedented and frankly shocking, influx of anti-LGBTQ legislation from all across the country. I said it in my message last week – it’s a scary time to be queer in America. But maintaining joy, above all else, remains a particularly strong tool for fighting back.
It’s in this spirit of celebration that I’m hitting the road this month. I’m traveling across Idaho, speaking at three Pride events (more if we can squeeze them in), and joining hands with you and fellow members of the LGBTQ community in gratitude for our history, resistance to those who believe they can silence us, and JOY in all of our identities.
Can you pitch in to my campaign today to support my Pride month travel expenses and efforts to FLIP ID-02?
It’s your donations, and only donations, that get me from place to place, and allow my campaign to have the tools needed to engage with voters and every event.
I only ever ask you for the money we really need. With your help, I can hit every one of these Pride events, and share with voters my goals for Idaho, and the hope that comes with real representation in government. I will be PROUD to be an openly gay congressman for Idaho’s Congressional District Two. It’s with your support that I can get there.
Please, pitch in $5, $10, or $25 to my campaign today. Your donations will get me to Pride events across the state and equip a team of volunteers with information about my candidacy for voters.
One more time - HAPPY PRIDE from me and everyone on my team. I’m grateful always for your support, and hopeful every day for our chances to bring real representation and change to Idaho.
David Roth