New brief from CLASP details how we can expand access to child care through the Child Care and Development Fund 

New Brief: Expanding Access to Child Care Assistance Opportunities in the Child Care and Development Fund

Families nationwide are struggling with a lack of affordable and accessible child care. This was true prior to the pandemic and even more so as the sector recovers from the detrimental impacts. The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program—the primary federal funding source for child care assistance—seeks to address access to affordable care for families with low incomes. Historically and presently, however, it has not been adequately funded, with only 1 in 6 eligible families receiving support in 2019. Complex and burdensome rules and requirements at the state level have made it even more challenging for families to access and retain child care assistance. This is especially true for families of color and families with low incomes. The child care and early education system was built on deeply rooted, structural racial and gender discrimination.  

In a new brief, CLASP lays out key ways to improve access to child care within the current CCDF program and recommends how state leaders can: (1) understand the federal guidance and flexibility within the CCDF regulations; (2) assess a range of policy considerations for state child care agencies; and (3) review promising strategies that different states have adopted to improve access. This brief includes opportunities across four main areas:  

  • Improving Information Access and Outreach
  • Simplifying the Application and Streamlining Eligibility
  • Increasing Affordability
  • Recruiting Providers Who Meet a Range of Family Needs

Despite funding constraints, state child care agencies can maximize their limited resources to equitably increase access to child care assistance programs nationwide. This brief will be a helpful tool to assist in the process.

Read the brief

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