Tina for Oregon

Happy Pride Month, John!

Click here to watch my video wishing Oregon a Happy Pride!

June is the time of year we especially celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and their invaluable contributions to Oregon and the entire country. 

Whether it’s in the arts, in our schools, in our hospitals, or even the Governor’s office, LGBTQ+ Oregonians are making strides for true equality all over our state, and those achievements deserve to be celebrated this month and always. 

But let’s not forget that Pride is not all parades and rainbows. Pride started as a protest. At a time when LGBTQ+ attacks are taking place in legislatures and classrooms all across the country, we must be steadfast in our commitment to inclusivity, acceptance, and love. 

And to all the young people figuring out their identity: You are seen, you are heard, and you will always be welcome to be who you are in Oregon. 

There are many challenges our community is facing right now, but I will never stop fighting to make sure Oregon is a safe and inclusive place for everyone. Let’s make this Pride month a time of unity and love where everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, can truly thrive. 

Have a great and safe Pride month! 

— Tina