Dear Friend:

Let's talk about taxes!? In one sense, taxes should unify the nation, as we consider the common interests that we agree should be funded.

But it really doesn't work that way.??

Why, for instance, do taxes not cover the costs of the nation?? Discussion of raising the "debt" ceiling? shines a light on the question of the disappearing US tax base.? Why is the US funded by debt?? ? Of the $6 trillion budget, $1 trillion is interest on the national debt and? $1 trillion is for military spending for our forever wars.

What should our tax structure be?? How should taxation be related to increasing the productivity of the nation?? What is the difference between "credit" and "debt"?? How is the tax system gamed by corporate interests???

While the government beefs up the IRS to hunt? down tax payments -- including from? suspicious waitresses who might have pocketed an extra tip --? we might consider the willingness of citizens who are called upon to support "the general welfare of ourselves and our posterity," but instead are forced to repeat the cry of the American Revolution:? ?"Taxation without Representation Is Tyranny!"

Hear from the experts!

Friday June 8 Symposium: "Taxes! How can we establish a just system?"

Saturday, June 10th, 10am to 4 pm EDT, join me at the Schiller Institute Conference on-line:? "The World Needs JFK's Vision of Peace".??Register here.


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