Today, we’re going to talk about a few of the governors who have created a legacy of voter suppression. 

Let’s take a walk down the Voter Suppression Hall of Shame.

We wouldn’t be able to fit every voter suppressor into this email if we tried. But today, we’re spotlighting a few of the governors who have created a legacy of voter suppression and who are more interested in clinging onto power than they are in preserving our democracy. Are you already convinced that we need to stop anti-voter extremism across the nation? Add your name today to let us know you’re with us in this movement. 


Voter suppression hall of fame

First up, we’ve got Governor Brian Kemp in Georgia.

Brian Kemp. Oversaw canceling 1.4 million+ voter registrations

  • During his time as Secretary of State, he oversaw canceling over 1.4 million voter registrations and advised closing a higher percentage of voting locations than in any other state — disproportionately silencing people of color.
  • As governor, he has signed laws imposing burdensome voter ID requirements, restricting ballot dropboxes, criminalizing passing out food and water to voters in line, criminalizing hardworking county officials and denying them desperately-needed election funds, and several more.
  • He has been at the forefront of some of the most dangerous and harmful anti-voting policies in the nation.

Next is Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. 

Ron DeSantis. Created state agency to intimidate voters.

  • As governor, he has signed multiple laws to restrict the right to vote, including creating a state agency that could be used to criminalize and intimidate voters and implementing his version of a congressional map that reduced representation for Black voters. 
  • Just last month, he signed another law to restrict and penalize organizations working to register voters. 
  • His attacks on voting are just part of his ongoing and dangerous campaign to deny the people of Florida their fundamental freedoms — which extends to banning conversations about race and gender in schools.

Last but not least is Governor Greg Abbott in Texas. 

Greg Abbott. 40 anti-voter bills proposed just this year.

  • He is at the helm of Texas extremists’ scheme to block voters from exercising their rights, with over 40 anti-voter bills proposed just this year. 
  • In 2021, he signed a sweeping restrictive voting law which he proclaimed was a “paradigm” for other states — further restricting vote-by-mail and creating new criminal and civil penalties for poll workers. 
  • He called for investigations into elections in Harris County, home to Houston, prompting lawmakers to introduce a bill that could allow the Secretary of State to take over how elections are run in the county.

If these anti-democracy governors make you angry, we’re right there with you. Will you sign your name to show that you strongly oppose their nationwide extremist anti-voter agenda?



The Fair Fight Action Team