I'm Patton Oswalt, Virginia born and bred, and I don't remember growing up with skies this heavy with smoke, do you? What we're seeing right now is unprecedented.
Swaths of Canadian forest are ablaze, and the resulting smoke and haze have infiltrated the air we breathe here in the United States, degrading the air quality from South Carolina to Detroit, all the way up past New York City, which for a little while registered among the very worst air quality. Even the skies over my home state of Virginia are filled with an unsettling haze.
The air we're breathing, the atmosphere we're living in — it's not what it used to be. But this is not a natural disaster or something we can chalk up to “inclement weather.” This is a predictable result of decades of burning fossil fuels. This is the climate crisis.
These are dark times, literally for many of us, but we still have so much reason to be hopeful – the science says that we still have time to change course and avoid the worst effects of the climate crisis.
That’s why I’m asking you to join me in supporting the Jane Fonda Climate PAC with a contribution of any amount so they can elect leaders who will do the hard work it will take to end the era of fossil fuels before it’s too late.
The solutions to this crisis are within reach, but the people in power in this country are choosing to ignore them for the sake of their fossil fuel industry allies. This is why the work of the Jane Fonda Climate PAC is crucial – they are committed to supporting candidates who will do more than pay lip service to the climate crisis with bandaid solutions.
In the next few weeks, Jane’s team will be reaching out to announce a slate of climate champions they’re supporting in Virginia this year, with more local and state races across the country to follow. Every ounce of fossil fuels we burn contributes to the climate crisis, whether in Virginia, New York, or San Antonio, TX. We all breathe the same air and share the same planet.
We're asking you to join us, vote with us, and help us build a liveable future where our skies are clear—not choked with smoke.
Thanks for being part of the solution,
Patton Oswalt