TWO Action Alerts for Washington Wolves

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission has proposed downlisting wolves from endangered to a state sensitive species.

Reducing protections from endangered to a “sensitive” species would mean that illegally killing a wolf would be a misdemeanor (rather than a felony as an endangered species) with lower fines and jail time.

As a “sensitive” species the state would be able to liberalize the killing of wolves for predation and even contract with local agencies such as sheriff departments to kill wolves.

Action Alert 1
The Fish and Wildlife Commission can stop this proposal from going into effect. There will be a Commission meeting on June 22/23. Submit comment online You only need to provide your name, email, subject (wildlife) and comments.  Ask the Commission to oppose the dowlisting of wolves to a state sensitive species.

Action Alert 2
But, it is also important that you submit comments on the DRAFT Periodic Status Review for the Gray Wolf | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Submit comments: Online at, emailing comments to [email protected] or by leaving a comment via voicemail message by calling 855-925-2801 and entering project code 2573. WDFW will accept comments until 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 16, 2023.
PHOTO CREDIT Voyageurs Wolf Project