Dear Friends,

NRCAT is pleased to join with our partners at the #EndtheException campaign to host a virtual End the Exception Faith Leaders Roundtable on Monday, June 12 at 2pm EDT/11am PDT.

This virtual event will include discussion surrounding slavery, the 13th Amendment, and faith, bringing together religious leaders from various backgrounds to delve into the critical topic of ending the exception to the abolition of slavery. During the roundtable, speakers will shed light on the #EndTheException campaign, which seeks to reintroduce the Abolition Amendment in Congress. 
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The program will include the historical context of slavery, the implications of the 13th Amendment, and the role of communities of faith in promoting justice and equality. The 13th Amendment includes an exception clause that still allows slavery to be used as punishment for crime, and it continues to be cited to defend the exploitative use of prison labor today. Campaign leaders from the #EndTheException campaign will share about opportunities for communities of faith to join in the work of garnering support from Congressional leadership.
Together, we can make a lasting impact by advocating for the Abolition Amendment and challenging the systemic injustices that persist. I invite you to register today and join us.

Warm regards,

Johnny Perez
Director, NRCAT's U.S. Prisons Program

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