Your Intentions: Three Holy Masses, June 14-16

Dear Friend,
The month of June is dedicated to
the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Feast of the Sacred Heart was
established in 1856, by Pope Pius IX, to be observed after Corpus
Christi. This year, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is
Friday, June 16.
Growing up, Cardinal Burke has had
a strong devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and has written that
the love of the Sacred Heart is immeasurable and we should never give
in to any discouragement, for he states:
The devotion to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus constantly reminds us that Christ is with us and becomes the
instrument by which He speaks to our hearts, drawing them to Himself,
so that He may send us on mission to others. The essence of the
devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is daily conversion of life to
Christ, the daily placing of our poor and sinful hearts into the all
rich, all merciful, all loving, all good Heart of Jesus.
His Eminence has previously asked
us to “pray for the purification of hearts, for the purification of a
wordily way of thinking which has entered into even the mind and
hearts of the members of the Church and even of her
So, please be sure to pray for the
Bishops who will be gathered next week for the USCCB Spring Assembly.
Meditate on what St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face
wrote in a prayer for priests:
“O Jesus, eternal
Priest, keep your
priests within the shelter of Your Sacred Heart, where none may touch them.”
Starting on Wednesday, June 14, I
am asking you to join me in three days of
prayers invoking the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please
submit your personal intentions to be included in three Holy
Masses, from June 14 – June 16 (which includes the
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus).
Together, let us invoke the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, who is rich in mercy and love, to have mercy on us and
on the whole world!
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas J. McKenna Founder and President Catholic Action For
Faith And Family
P.S. Cardinal
Burke will be a guest of Raymond Arroyo this evening, June 8, on EWTN
– The World Over. The program will be live at 8:00 PM Eastern
Daylight Time.
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