The Government wants to deport a peaceful activist
A photo of Marcus smiling to someone on the left hand side of the camera. The background is blurred.

Hello John,


We all know petitions aren’t enough - but sometimes they can be life-changing. This could be one of those times. 


Marcus is a singer and climate activist. Now he is being threatened with deportation.

Last October, Marcus Decker and Morgan Trowland scaled Queen Elizabeth II Bridge. They were resisting the Government’s decision to approve hundreds of new fossil fuel licences - a political decision that will benefit Sunak and hurt the rest of us.


Because Marcus stood up for us and against the Government, he was handed an unprecedented sentence and now faces deportation. 

Our Government doesn’t want to hear dissenting voices. They even changed the law to better silence us. The UN calls these new laws “deeply troubling” and “wholly unnecessary” (1). Civic freedoms in the UK are now below that of all our Western European neighbours (2). 


Let's not sit back and let the UK slide further. Stand together for Marcus. Stand together for all of our civil liberties. 

Love and Rage, 




1) UN news article, "New UK law curtails key civil and political rights: UN rights chief", 27 April 2023  


2) The Civicus monitor Contextual article: Guardian article, "‘Hostile, authoritarian’ UK downgraded in civic freedoms index", 16 March 2023


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