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Dear John,


This week, we are marking the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that opened the door for medical contraception—Griswold v. Connecticut. All these decades later, I continue to firmly believe that all people have a fundamental right to access contraception and decide when to start a family. Yet, as we continue into a post-Roe era after the extreme Supreme Court overturned the long-held right to abortion, so many of us have real and serious concerns about the trajectory of Courts assault on our basic human rights. This is why I am remaining committed to advancing legislation which will ensure the protection of contraceptive rights for every New Mexican.


I was proud to cosponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act which, if passed into law, would guarantee that the government may not restrict the right to abortion. Access to these essential health services is vital to ensuring that New Mexicans and Americans have continued autonomy over their bodies. I also cosponsored the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act, which would prohibit state officials from impeding a person’s constitutional right to travel, or assist an individual in traveling, across the state lines for the purposes of obtaining a lawful abortion. This bill would also protect physicians who perform these services in states where it is lawful. As this 118th congressional session continues I will continue to support legislation that advances reproductive rights for all New Mexicans.


I will remain committed to the fight for contraceptive rights both in New Mexico and throughout the United States. I am proud to fight for contraceptive rights because I understand how vital this legislation is to all New Mexicans. In Congress, I will carry forward the legislation that protects and advances these fundamental rights


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As always, if I can be of any assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or my staff at (505) 346-6781. If you’d like to keep up to date on what I am working on in Washington on behalf of New Mexico’s First Congressional District and our communities, you can subscribe to our newsletter here, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



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Rep. Melanie Stansbury

Member of Congress


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Washington, D.C. Office

1421 Longworth House Office Building

(202) 225-6316

Albuquerque Office
6301 Indian School Rd NE, Suite 420
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 346-6781