The L.A. Pride Parade featured a gay man in a**less chaps in bondage gear on a truck in public view, having a whip put around his neck by another man wearing some sort of sadomasochistic gear who whipped this man's bare a** in front of children in the crowd. This is Pride. Do you feel the human dignity? Do you feel the Pride? Do you feel what Pride Month is really about? There are a lot of people who staunchly believe that this is a positive good, that our society is supposed to look like this in public, that obscenity is supposed to be public, and that religion is supposed to be private. Traditional morals are supposed to be private. Everyone was lied to. The lie was that the LGBTQ+-÷ movement was largely about admitting more people into traditional institutions, so we should broaden the scope of those institutions in order to apply to more diverse people. But that's not the case. It's about transforming and exploiting those institutions. If you had a traditional religion pride parade, what it would presumably look like is people studying the Bible or images from the Bible or people who were walking with their families, the things that a religious person would want to brag about, because traditionally you have a pride parade for things you want to brag about. But this is what gets bragged about at the L.A. Pride Parade. And it's not just in California. The Arizona Pride Festival, attended by many elected Democrats, featured a rapper rapping in public about anal sex in front of small children. This has become de rigueur. This is what children must be taught. This is what the Boston Medical Center, in celebration of Pride Month, was doing when they gave out snacks and dildos while children were presumably present. Latest Releases: |
So obscenity must be made public. And obscenity must not only be made public, but it also must be taught to your kids. This is why so many people, including the Biden administration, are very warm to the idea that small children must have access to books like “Genderqueer,” pornographic books with graphic depictions of gay sex. Those must be available to seven- and eight-year-olds at school libraries. The pitch used to be that gay couples just wanted to imitate the ways of traditional marriage. But the risqué-ness was always there; it's just that there was an active attempt to prevent people from noting the agenda. If you noted the agenda, you were called a radical. You were called a nut for noting that this is what was. This stuff was happening years ago. But now it's being openly promoted to kids. Accusations were made about the repressive and intolerant, bigoted, Religious Right: “They're off their rockers; they keep saying we want to indoctrinate your kids in this. No, no, that's not so.” It certainly seems that a lot of those complaints, a lot of the warnings, were about the slippery slope: It was not a slippery slope, folks: It was a cliff. And we're now at the bottom of it. Public schools across America are “celebrating Pride Month” by indoctrinating kids into this garbage. One public school featured a giant inflatable rainbow that tiny little kids could hop through while wearing Pride Flags and guided by their teachers. This is a form of ideological child grooming. I'm making a very strong distinction here between grooming kids because you want to have sex with them and grooming kids into an ideological worldview that is directly counter to traditional morality, which is clearly what is happening here. There is no neutrality in schools that are flying Pride and Progress Flags in the hallway and having kids hop through inflatable rainbows in celebration of LGBTQ+-÷ activities and identities. Herbert Marcuse, one of the Frankfurt School founders, coined the phrase “Make Love, not War.” He wrote the book “Eros in Civilization,” in which he argued that true freedom lay in what he called “polymorphous perversity.” Freud had argued that the central motivating factor of human life is your sexual drive. But Freud also argued that you had to sublimate it in pursuit of civilizational growth, that adolescent sexual behavior would make your sexual desires the center of who you are. The idea was that you had to sublimate all of that energy, and that energy went into the creation of civilization. Marcuse came along and said, No, no, no, that's wrong. Really, what you have to do is, you have to free that. You have to free the Eros. |
He posited a world of what he called “liberated Eros.” He called for the concept of a “non-repressive” civilization based on a fundamentally different experience of being a fundamentally different relation between man and nature in fundamentally different existential relations. What he meant was not just that we were going to tear down all the traditional family structures and get rid of norms of heteronormativity; he meant all civilizational structures had to be torn down. Marcuse suggested that it was a goal for the body in its entirety to become an object of catharsis, a thing to be enjoyed, an instrument of pleasure. This sensuous rationality contained its own moral laws. You could build an entirely new moral utopia on the basis of the sexual itch being scratched in any way that you so chose and in any way that you so enjoyed. This would also require that traditional ways of life had to be suppressed. It wasn't enough to offer this as simply an alternative option. Marcuse argued that the problem with traditional institutions is that they were pretty seductive. People actually tend to like them, and they're pretty durable. And so the best thing you could do would be to create massive social sanction and possible legal sanction for people who spoke out in favor of those traditional ideals. Freedom itself was bad because freedom would allow for the bad ideas to win. So get rid of the freedom and what you would end up with is the new regime of tolerance. “Tolerance,” of course, meant just whatever he liked. He said liberating tolerance would extend to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed, as well as of word. This took its next form in the works of radical feminists like Shulamith Firestone, who wrote this paragraph in 1970, which sounds prophetic: “Until a certain level of evolution had been reached and technology had achieved its present sophistication, to question fundamental biological conditions was insanity,” which was true. She was saying you could argue for polymorphous perversity, but until basically 1960, that ended really badly; you got an STD, you got pregnant out of wedlock, real consequences. Latest Episode: |
Then with the rise of the birth control pill, the welfare state, modern medicine, all the consequences went away. As a result, Firestone said: We are no longer just animals. The kingdom of nature does not reign absolute. … The end goal of feminist revolution must be, unlike that of the first feminist movement, not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally. (A reversion to an unobstructed pansexuality.) … The reproduction of the species by one sex for the benefit of both would be replaced by artificial reproduction: children would be born to both sexes equally, or independently of either, however one chooses to look at it; the dependence of the child on the mother would give way to a greatly shortened dependence on a small group of others in general. … The tyranny of the biological family would be broken. And with it the psychology of power. That wasn't enough. It was never enough because the goal was to transform the institutions. Even advocates of same-sex marriage who were promoting the idea of monogamous same-sex marriage were going out of their way at the time to make clear that what they were really arguing for was the equality of all sexual relations and that idea being taught to kids. People say, “I don't understand why the Pride Parades feature men in a**less chaps whipping each other. Why?” Because that's the point. The dignity argument was not made to uphold the institution of marriage and broaden it. The broader, overarching agenda here was never to extend the beauties of monogamous marriage to other people and then spread the value of monogamy, chastity, and sanctity. That was not the goal. The goal was always to spread a moral relativism throughout society, a complete moral apathy with regard to matters of sex and then teach that to kids. So when you look at Pride Month and you see these videos, you shouldn't be shocked. This has been happening for years. The media just lied about it, and they didn't put it on TV. Ben Shapiro Top five headlines: |
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