Dear John,

June is Pride month, and although it's certainly a celebration, it's so much more than just a party.

This Pride, LGBTQ+ communities across the country face high levels of violence and discrimination, and there are a record number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills moving through state legislatures. 

Florida and Texas have expanded their "Don't Say Gay" bills to include high school students — which prevents LGBTQ+ high schoolers from expressing themselves or seeing their experiences reflected in the curriculum — and schools across the country have moved to ban books that include LGBTQ+ stories. Outside of the classroom, states are passing bans on trans-affirming healthcare, drag shows, and threatening to separate affirming parents from their children. 

In light of these attacks, I'm more determined than ever to work towards a future where LGBTQ+ communities are safe, protected, and respected. There's still so much work to do — and I'm ready to get to it. 

So this month and always, I'm proud to elevate LGBTQ+ voices and stories, celebrate how far we've come, and look towards a more equitable future. 

Happy Pride! 

In solidarity,


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