Every day, a member of my campaign staff goes to check the mail, and you never know what they’re going to find. I couldn’t resist sharing this one with you.


Every day, a member of my campaign staff goes to check the mail, and you never know what they’re going to find.

I couldn’t resist sharing this one with you: A donation to my campaign against Lauren Boebert – mailed with a Nancy Reagan stamp on the envelope.

Lauren Boebert represents everything that is wrong with Washington.

It’s no wonder I receive messages of support every day not just from Democrats and Independents, but even Republicans who are fed up and want their party – and their country – back from the extremists.

When I ran against Lauren Boebert in 2022, no one gave me a chance. Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight said I had a 3% chance of winning – and that I’d lose by 45,000 votes.

But I knew that it was still possible to meet voters, talk about issues like conservation, abortion, and good-paying jobs – and win. So my son Felix and I packed up our red pickup truck and drove 24,000 miles across the entire district doing just that.

Ultimately, we came just 546 votes short. It was the closest race in the country. And while it felt like a moral victory, Lauren Boebert and her angertainment circus continue on in Washington.

Now, I’m running against Lauren Boebert again, but I’m not taking corporate PAC money like she is. If I’m going to go up against her Super PAC lies and win, I’m counting on grassroots donors like you to give every dollar you can afford to my campaign now:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – or whatever amount you can spare – to help me finally defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024? This campaign is funded entirely by people like you, so I have nowhere else to turn.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

There is too much on the line to sit on the sidelines right now.

I’m so grateful that you’re a part of this campaign to restore some sanity to Washington.

With gratitude -