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Every Republican elected official should be UNITED in outrage at what the Deep State has done to me and the America First movement.

But sadly, some Republicans want to shy away from the topic, because they say they get tired of all the Deep State “drama.”

Friend, the weaponization of the FBI is one of the single biggest threats to our free Republic.

My home has been raided. I was framed as a Russian asset. My family and associates have been intimidated. My private communications have been spied on. I’ve even been indicted and arrested – despite committing NO CRIME.

And it’s not just me… Everyday, hardworking, freedom-loving patriots are also being targeted for holding views that go against the Deep State.

That’s not “drama.” That’s a declaration of war on everything we value as Americans.

If these politicians get fatigued from a bit of “drama,” then the Deep State will eat them alive. They will not rise to the challenge to defend our Republic, and most importantly, defend YOU.

But even though the Deep State has put me through hell, I am ready to do it again! Because I love our country, and I will NEVER let it get destroyed.

It’s no surprise that we’re leading the primary by 50 POINTS. Voters know that during these dark times, we need courage – not cowardice – in the White House.

The time has now come to solidify our lead so that we can turn our focus 100% to beating Crooked Joe Biden and DISMANTLING the Deep State.

Let’s finish the job we started, dismantle the Deep State, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Thank you,

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States

Contributions to Trump Save America JFC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and Save America. donaldjtrump.com

Trump Save America JFC, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219

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