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Hi John,

Last Tuesday night, many of us gathered over Zoom to chat about what it will take to run for Democracy in 2024 here in the battleground state of Texas. Our Mothers Against Greg Abbott Running for Democracy webinar, in partnership with Blue Horizon Texas, was pretty darn great.

And to everyone who was able to make it, I just want to say thank you.

We all know that voting out people like Ted Cruz won't be easy — but with all of us getting involved now, I know we can do this.

I wanted to share some of the key takeaways from last week's webinar that I think may help us on the road to victory next November, up and down the ballot...
#1.  We need this entire map to be BLUE in 2024...
#2.  So, we need to ID more people who'll run for elected office. 
#3.  This is going to take all of us ...
... because Moms help support, well, everyone. 
If we can do these three things, we win.

After last year, we're not naive. We are veterans at this now — battle-tested, if not battle-scarred; our yard signs are almost indestructible at this point. And if there were mistakes, we've learned from them. Our strategy for the 2024 cycle has come out of painful losses, and I know that we're ready to put all those lessons into practice.

No, I don't believe this next year will be easy. We know there'll be moments that will challenge all of us in ways we didn't see coming — in ways that will make us cry together, and grow together; and there will be days that feel so hard it might make us wonder why we couldn't just have stayed silent, at home.

Why are we all loudly here doing it anyway? Because you — and everyone else reading this — we share this common value: We believe moms, and people like us, CAN DO THIS.

I hope you, *|FNAME|, can take this pledge with me today:
I am committed to turning Texas blue.
I will do my part to put in the work now and to persuade others in my neighborhood to get out there too, so that we all win in 2024. 
Yes, even in the REDDEST state in America, against one of the best-funded Republicans in power, our amazing (and growing!) movement of one hundred thousand mothers and others like us has what it takes.

We will overcome the challenges; we will defeat the obstacles; we will kick out Ted Cruz; and together, we will win.

Please, donate as soon as possible and help make our campaign against Ted Cruz and the Texas GOP as strong as it can possibly be. Can we count on you?
Nancy Thompson, Founder
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

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