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Special Run Off Election Plan 
Resent with Corrected Dates 


Aloha fellow Hawai'i Republican Party members, 


It is with pleasure that we announce the plan for the Special Run Off Election for the three remaining Executive Officer seats. The offices of Vice Chair of Coalitions, Vice Chair of Community Service and Treasurer remain held over due to the unprecedented circumstances deriving from the May 6th State Convention, and are not being treated as vacant offices as per HRP Rule 404E. 


In collaboration with the Convention Elections Chair Mark White, Convention Credentials Chair Donna Miller and Vice Rules Chair Boyd Ready this Special Run Off Election plan has been voted on and approved by the Executive Committee. The Special Run Off Election will be conducted electronically utilizing Election Runner software. The voting period is open from June 19th - June 23rd to allow all credentialed delegates from the approved Convention Final Credentials Report to vote securely within their schedule. 


Please see the Special Run Off Election Plan as part of this email for more information. Specific details and instructions will be sent to the credentialed delegates and the six runoff candidates separately.


We look forward to concluding the Officer Elections to complete the Executive Team, continue with the party business and WIN MORE in 2024!

Mahalo nui,

Taylor Kaaumoana  -  Secretary 

Hawaiʻi Republican Party 

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