Right now, we’re in central Kenya, having hopefully summited Mt. Kenya by the time this is read. We’re Oscar and Emma Maeyer, siblings cycling from Berlin to Cape Town. This will mean cycling approximately 18,000 km over a year and a half through 22 countries! We’ve been on the road for six and a half months, and we’ve travelled about 7,000 km so far.
We have numerous reasons for doing the trip: exploring a form of transport that is less taxing on the environment, challenging our minds and bodies, expanding our knowledge and mindset about different parts of the world, and of course, meeting new people.
But part of it is raising money to support two charities, one of them being The Humane League. The main reason we chose to raise funds for THL is that we care deeply about the systemic injustice of sentient beings being raised in terrible conditions. We want our trip to have a positive impact—not only on humans, but also on the non-human animals who we share this planet with.
—Oscar and Emma Maeyer
As I read about their journey—cycling from Germany to South Africa over the course of one and a half years—I felt overwhelmed with awe, inspiration, and most of all, gratitude.
I wanted to pass their story along to you, because it’s a perfect representation of the countless ways our community comes together in support of animals. Not just once, but over and over. With every mile. Every phone call. Every donation. Every day we choose to make a difference.
While most of us aren’t biking 11,000 miles, we are on a journey together. Transforming our factory farming system will take time—decades, maybe even generations. It often takes years to see the results of our work; to recognize the deep, seismic change we’re creating for animals.
That's why it means so much that you’re here today. Your presence in this community is impacting animals on factory farms right now—but you’re also planting seeds of compassion that will change the lives of animals who haven’t even been born.
With our bold new goal to spare 6.7 million hens from cages, we’re uniting with activists around the world—like Oscar and Emma—to create change that will last. Because this fight goes way beyond just this moment in time. It’s a journey toward a kinder future—and we’re making progress, every day.
Together, we’re taking down powerful corporate giants. And we’re taking our mission to end the abuse of animals as far as possible. Like Oscar and Emma’s journey, our movement spans continents—joining across borders for a cause that unites us all. Will you go far with us for the animals?

Alison Hansen-Decelles
Director of Annual Giving |
P.S. To view photos and learn more about their trip, visit their Instagram here.