Metro DC DSA Monthly Newsletter for August 2019

What's On This Week

Comrade,    The Weekend: national DSA convention is under way in Atlanta. See details below. There’s also a community gardening opportunity Sunday. Visit the MDC DSA calendar, below. And PRTC bus drivers in Virginia are asking for support this weekend against a contracted-out operator; again, see more below.

Featured articles in this issue:
►Kam W examines where Biden comes from using a socialist perspective and finds that the perspective provides tools for a takedown:
►Dan Adkins argues DSA’s stance for police and prison abolition needs to be buttressed by the analysis that – surprise! – socialists are best at:
Annals of Maryland politics:
First, Woody Woodruff notes that Larry Hogan is showing his capitalist-tool stripes in many ways now he’s in his second, and last, term:
►Then, our comrade Rich Elliott describes a change that could break the stranglehold of neoliberal Democrats on Maryland's legislative process -- single-member districts:
►Bill Mosley explores the elaborate “Warmth of Other Suns” exhibit on migration flows throughout history at the Phillips Collection:

From NoVa Labor: Support PRTC Bus Drivers this weekend in fight with contractor
AFSCME District Council 20, Local 3001 has asked for support from the community for PRTC bus drivers who went on strike when their contract expired on July 31st.  Their concerns about bus safety and unfair management are not being addressed.
 The drivers welcome supporters to come to their picket line, which is taking place at 14700 Potomac Mills Rd in Woodbridge today until 5:00 pm,  tomorrow (Saturday) from 3 am to 5 pm, and Monday 3 am to 5 pm.
The Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission bus system is operated by contractor First Transit. -- Ginny Diamond
To repeat ourselves from a previous Update: DC Statehood Hearing Rescheduled for September 19
The House Committee on Oversight and Reform has rescheduled its hearing on D.C. statehood, originally planned to take place on July 24, for Thursday,  Sept. 19 at 10 AM  The hearing will take place in room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building.
The hearing had been postponed because its original date conflicted with the rescheduled date for former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony to the House.
—Bill Mosley

The DSA Convention is in Atlanta Aug. 2-4 (yes, that’s now)
 >>The draft convention schedule is here on the 2019 DSA Convention website

>>And Metro DC DSA is still raising funds to help our delegates now in Atlanta to cover their costs…  Info and donate link is here.

 Curious about Metro DC DSA? MDC DSA’s website has expanded resources on our chapter Campaigns, WGs and Caucuses – check it out here. Is your campaign, caucus or working group properly represented? Contact [email protected], attn: web managers .

It is easy to forget that Chelsea Manning has been jailed since May 17 for refusing to testify in a grand jury investigation against Julian Assange. You can read her very thoughtful letter to Judge Trenga on why she is resisting this process here. Chelsea is still facing escalating legal costs so please consider donating to her legal fund here. [Francesco R]

MDC DSA Publications Schedule for August: Friday Updates will appear on August 9, 16 and 23 and the Labor Day issue of the Washington Socialist will appear Friday, August 30 with an article deadline of Sunday, August 25.
Our activism gains support when it is explained in a socialist context and voice, so submit your contribution to our ongoing narrative here. Opinion pieces, campaign updates, coverage of rallies, socialist illustrations or photo essays – all are welcome and valued. Check our submission guidelines, and mind the deadlines.  Thinking about writing an article but wondering if the subject has been covered here, and how recently? You can find out in the Index for 2016-18. The 2012-2015 issues are collected in per-month PDFs; look at the Archive section on the right of the website’s  Washington Socialist page.
“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.” — Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed
But don’t keep it to yourself.
Yours in solidarity, 
The Publications Working Group

MDC DSA Calendar of Events for August

Follow links for details

Sunday AUG 4  9:00 AM
Community Gardening Work Day
643 G St SE, 643 G St SE, Washington, DC 20003
Our Community Gardening Working Group is helping set up a productive gardening space right here in DC, a co-project of the Mutual Aid Working Group and the Ecosocialists Caucus. This Sunday we’ll be getting together to finish building raised beds and continue tending the space. Follow link for details

Wednesday AUG 7  7:00 PM
Steering Committee (remote only)
Steering Committee meetings are open to any MDC DSA member who would like to attend. You can find the Zoom link in the #steering channel in the chapter’s Slack. Follow link for details.
Saturday AUG 10  10:00 AM
Migrant Justice Action: Art Build II
501 3rd St NW, 501 3rd St NW, Washington, DC 20001
Come make posters and props for our next deportation profiteer action! MDC DSA will provide poster board, markers, paint, and snacks. Bring your best anti-ICE slogans! Follow link for details.
Saturday AUG 10  1:30 PM
Stomp Out Slumlords: Anti-Eviction Canvass
L’Enfant Plaza Metro Station, 600 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024
Come help us connect tenants facing eviction with legal resources! Tenants we speak to are twice as likely to go to court and fight their eviction, so every volunteer can make a big impact. We’re meeting at the L’Enfant metro — 7th St and Maryland Ave Exit. If you’ve never canvassed before, Follow link for details.
Sunday AUG 11  3:00 PM
Metro DC DSA Monthly General Body Meeting
Friends Meeting of Washington, 2111 Florida Ave. NW, Washington, DC
The monthly meeting of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America! The focus this month is Rent Control. The agenda will be distributed the week before the meeting.
 Tuesday AUG 13  7:00 PM
NOVA Branch DSA 🌹 Organizing Meeting
Westover Branch Library, 1644 N McKinley Rd #3, Arlington, VA 22205
Welcome to our monthly NOVA DSA organizing and planning meeting. Please take a minute to read our short, brief, not very long, sort-of-illustrated NOVA DSA Socialist Meeting Participation Guidelines. We will be welcoming new members and continue discussing planning for our current actions and campaigns including support for DSA candidates in Virginia Elections and more. Follow link for details.
Wednesday AUG 14  7:00 PM
Prison and Police Abolition – Socialist Night School comes to MoCo!
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, 4805 Edgemoor Ln # 100, Bethesda, MD 20814
Join Montgomery County DSA and MDC DSA’s Socialist Night School for a discussion on the politics of police and prison abolition situated in the context of our community and the larger region. The first session will be led by Metro DC DSA Socialist Night School co-organizer David Kaib. Follow link for details.
Thursday AUG 15  6:30 PM
Migrant Justice Action: Stand Up to Deportation Profiteers
As ICE detains and deports immigrants every day, they are helped by for-profit companies. These profiteers allow ICE to function by providing key services: operating detention centers, making electronic ankle bracelets, building lists of undocumented immigrants, and more. The executives of these companies make millions for destroying lives in our community. Follow link for details.

 Saturday AUG 17  1:00 PM
Images of Social and Political Struggle at the National Portrait Gallery
Gallery Place Metro, 8th and F St NW, Washington, dc 20004
Beat the August heat with veteran DSA member and Washington Socialist museum correspondent Bill Mosley for a tour of artworks highlighting struggles for justice at these two Smithsonian museums. See the bust of Eugene Debs and other important figures of the left; paintings by labor artist Ralph Fasanella; works by important woman artists and artists and more. Follow link for details
Wednesday AUG 21 6:30 PM
Queer Caucus Happy Hour in MoCo 🌹
Silver Branch Brewing Company, 8401 Colesville Rd #150, Silver Spring, MD 20910
The Queer Caucus (all LGBTQIA+ comrades and our allies/accomplices are welcome!) will be having our August happy hour at the Silver Branch Brewing Company in downtown Silver Spring ! The brewery is in the Silver Spring Metro Plaza Center building, across the street from the Silver Spring metro. The ADA-accessible entrance is on 2nd Ave, Follow link for details.
Wednesday AUG 21 7:00 PM
Steering Committee
Institute for Policy Studies, 1301 Connecticut Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20036
Steering Committee meetings are open to any MDC DSA member who would like to attend. Please RSVP and message the hosts if you would like to join by videoconference so we can make arrangements to get you the appropriate URL. Follow link for details.
Thursday AUG 22 6:30 PM
DSA Happy Hour
The Midlands Beer Garden, 3333 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20010
Join us for our monthly happy hour! This is a great chance to meet and mingle with fellow comrades. No agenda, no work, and no politics… well, maybe a little politics. Happy hours, like most MDC DSA events, are open to members and non-members alike! Come join us in an informal setting to learn more Follow link for details.
Sunday AUG 25 4:00 PM
Socialist Feminism Reading Group 🌹
The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd., NW, Washington, DC 20009
Please read our reading group Participation Guide () and join us as we explore and discuss topics within Socialist Feminism. 🌹 This month, our readings are collaborative; suggest some here. Follow link for details.

 Thursday AUG 29  6:00 PM
Disability Justice Working Group Meeting
The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009
Join Metro DC DSA Disability Justice Working Group for our monthly meeting. Learn how to get involved in the various campaigns to empower and liberate the disabled community from the oppressive capitalist system. We meet on the first floor of the ADA-compliant Festival Center. ASL interpretation will be provided on request. Follow link for details.
Wednesday SEP 4  7:00 PM
Steering Committee (remote only)
Steering Committee meetings are open to any MDC DSA member who would like to attend. You can find the Zoom link in the #steering channel in the chapter’s Slack. Follow link for details.
Sunday SEP 8  3:00 PM
Metro DC DSA Monthly General Body Meeting
Friends Meeting of Washington, 2111 Florida Ave. NW, Washington, DC
The monthly meeting of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America! The agenda will be distributed the week before the meeting.

Events from Our Allies in the DMV

Follow links for details

SAT August 3  How Faith Motivates Social Justice Work: An Interfaith Event
2-4 PM 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20016 
Hosted by Save Bethesda African Cemetery and SURJ MoCo: Hear from activists from three faiths: Judaism, Islam, and Latter Day Saints. They will relate how their faiths led them to act for social justice. The American University Museum At The Katzen Arts Center
SAT August 3 -- District 47 Fest. (Prince George’s)   11 AM – 5 PM, Colmar Manor Community Park, 3510 37th Ave Colmar Manor  A fun filled day with District 47’s Assembly members; live music, activities, government agency representatives, food and much more! RSVP!
SAT August 3 Conquering Racist Ideologies  9 AM – 10:30 AM   Reid Temple A.M.E. Church Jonathan Hutto and others. 11400 Glenn Dale Blvd, Glenn Dale, Maryland 20769
SUN August 4 Little Church on the Hill: The Story of Macedonia Baptist Church 2-4 PM
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20016. Hosted by Save Bethesda African Cemetery and SURJ MoCo: Learn about the rich history of our local African American churches and communities with author Dr. Rosalyn King. The American University Museum At The Katzen Arts Center
MON, August 5  Film: Undeterred  6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Emergence Community Arts Collective, 733 Euclid Street NW Washington, DC, 20001 + Google Map  Institute for Policy Studies and allied co-sponsors host the DC premiere of Eva Lewis‘ film about a rural border town, Arivaca, Arizona, resisting the repression of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and ICE. Find out more »
TUES August 6 Night Out for Safety and Liberation (NOSL) in DC 2019  5 – 9 PM at The Madison House, 1611 U St SE, Washington, DC 20020. Join us for the Night Out for Safety and Liberation (NOSL) 2019 in DC, an annual event where we re-imagine what public safety means for our community.  Info is at link; sign up to volunteer here
TUES August 6 MDC DSA LSC Deescalation Training 6 PM
Cleveland Park Library, Meeting Room 3 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. Training on different options for handling tense situations.  Doors open at 6 PM, training starts at 6:15 RSVP  For information please email [email protected]

THU August 8 ONE DC Fundraiser and Open Mic At Dew Drop 7:30 – 10:30 PM The Dew Drop Inn DC, 2801 8th St NE, Washington, District of Columbia 20017.  Come out for an evening of open mic performances to support ONE DC (Organizing Neighborhood Equity) and the vital work they are doing in DC!
SUN Aug 11 Plans to Prosper You  7-8:30 PM, Hosted by Save Bethesda African Cemetery and 2 others: 
  The exhibit “Plans to Prosper You: Reflections of Black Resistance and Resilience in Montgomery County’s Potomac River Valley”. runs until August 11 at the Katzen Arts Center, American University. Last chance to see this memorable exhibit!. All speakers from previous gallery talks will be invited to give a short summary of their talk, in addition to the soulful music of Maceo Kemp and friends. Refreshments provided.

THURS August 15  The Many Exciting Ways to Wage Peace: A Training In Tools  6-8 PM Institute for Policy Studies, 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 6th Floor Washington, DC 20036 + Google Map A unique interactive session on how movements for justice have successfully applied media other than speech successfully in actions against racism, xenophobia, fascism and sexism. Find out more »
THU Aug 15, 2019 Monthly Legal Clinics for Restaurant Workers! 1 – 5 PM 1100 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009. Hosted by Restaurant Opportunities Center of Washington DC (ROC-DC): RSVP HERE:   Do you have questions regarding your legal rights in the workplace?
SAT Aug 17  Deep Canvass with SURJ  11 AM-5 PM Hosted by SURJ NoVa RSVP Deep canvassing is a long-term, research-based strategy that SURJ is using to invite our neighbors to re-think their support for systemic white supremacy. Info at link or [email protected].
SUN August 18 When They See Us: Screening & Discussion 6:30 – 8:30 PM  UUCF-Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax 2709 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton, Virginia 22124 Hosted by SURJ Northern Virginia:  Documentary about the Central Park Five. More information coming soon! Mark your calendars!
THURS, August 22  ONE DC Fundraiser and Open Mic At Dew Drop  7:30 – 10:30 PM The Dew Drop Inn DC 2801 8th St NE, Washington, DC 20017 Come out for an evening of open mic performances to support ONE DC (Organizing Neighborhood Equity) and the vital work they are doing in DC! Info
MON Aug 26 ROC DC Monthly Meeting  1-3 PM
Restaurant Opportunity Center DC, Second Floor, 1100 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA
Come together and meet other restaurant and tipped workers in DC who want to build worker power in order to improve wages and working conditions in the DC restaurant industry! Dinner will be provided and children are welcome!

Compiled by David E with the edit team

Latest newsletter from our comrades at Greater Baltimore DSA: And they have a blog at

And the newsletter from our comrades in the MoCo branch

Pretty awesome piece of historical journalism buried in last Saturday’s WaPo:

Another account of the action at the airport last week,, from Chuck Collin’s weekly blog roundup, Inequality Today.

A few of our comrades have cameos in an Atlantic writer’s parachute into an MDC DSA debate-watch party. TX to MoCo’s Zack Wiita for winkling this one out.

A nice piece of history on a fortuitous anniversary, and a catechism that Harold Meyerson can probably mutter in his sleep…
One of a number of accounts, leading up to the Convention, that show what the challenges of the post-Trump, much larger DSA may be.
>>This one is by an outgoing NPC member.
>>Here is one with the long view, from a longtime local member
>>This one is specifically about the function or dysfunction of the NPC since the last convention, by our local chapter’s NPC rep.
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