The U.S. Immigration system is broken. Mike has a plan to fix it.
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Mike Bloomberg 2020

People on both sides of the political aisle agree that the U.S. immigration system is broken. But the Trump administration’s policies are ineffective, wasteful, and cruel -- separating families, caging children, and rescinding protections for Dreamers.

As president, Mike will restore American values and end the inhumane practices championed by President Trump. Mike's comprehensive immigration plan will protect Dreamers, end family separation at the border, and rescind the travel ban. The plan modernizes ports of entry and implements sensible enforcement priorities that will protect national security while also welcoming immigrants. His plan opens America’s doors to the immigrants our economy needs, giving new Americans and their neighbors the tools they need to thrive.

President Trump tweets a LOT about our immigration system -- and of course, his “beautiful wall” -- but offers nothing but fear mongering and hate. That’s why today, we want your help tweeting out a more positive vision.

Click here to send a tweet about Mike’s plan and spread the word about an actual solution to make immigration work for America’s economy and communities!

Thanks for helping us make a change.

Team Bloomberg 2020



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