In her essay - It's Been Three Years. Can You Hear Me Now? Tessa Lena makes the following statement: “I have found that oftentimes, it takes very rare and special courage to be so in love with intellectual integrity, knowledge of the world, and the truth, that one would be willing to let go of any dogma, however ingrained, and chase that knowledge. And when that happens, love shows up in an unstoppable way.” I witnessed a beautiful example of this rare and special courage last Friday when Dr. Roger Hodkinson admitted in
front of more than 100 participants that he hadn’t done his homework regarding childhood vaccines. Dr. Hodkinson shared that he looked upon organizations such as Vaccine Choice Canada and Children’s Health Defence as “anti-vaxxers” and had little time for such nonsense. Hodkinson then acknowledged that the travesty of the COVID injections awakened him to the tyranny within the pharmaceutical industry such that he needed to question the claims of safety, efficacy and necessity of all vaccines. I celebrate this moment because I believe this example of courage and love for integrity, knowledge and truth is what is needed if we are to move forward as a community. Last week I wrote about the massive betrayal we have
experienced, most especially in the last three years. The only way I can imagine moving forward and rebuilding trust with governments, institutions and family and friends is when more of what Dr. Hodkinson did on Friday occurs. Trust will only be rebuilt when such courage and integrity becomes common. Following the meeting I wrote Dr. Hodkinson. I said - “Thank you for your acknowledgement of your shift in your perceptions about the safety of childhood vaccines. Your willingness to admit this was moving, not only for me, but for many on the call who have been voices in the wilderness for many years.” He responded immediately with the picture above and the
words - “Unpleasant taste – but had to be eaten in public!” May more people have the courage and humility to admit the error of their ways so we can get on with rebuilding our communities. Ted |