Always quick to lie when faced with an accusation, Boebert initially attempted to explain away her missed debt ceiling vote saying that she didn’t vote as a protest because of her disdain for the debt ceiling bill. However, we now know this isn’t true.


Hi John, 


Last week we wrote to you about the hypocrisy of Boebert’s multi-week meltdown over her opposition to raising the debt ceiling paired with her missing the vote on the bill to raise it. 


Always quick to lie when faced with an accusation, Boebert initially attempted to explain away her missed vote saying that she didn’t vote as a protest because of her disdain for the debt ceiling bill. 


However, we’ve now caught her in yet another lie. 


Video from the night of the debt ceiling vote shows Boebert running up the steps of Capitol Hill in a last ditch attempt at trying to make the vote.

Whenever Boebert is put into a corner her first instinct is to lie. We at American Muckrakers PAC know this first hand. 


Last summer when we released a treasure trove of verifiable fact based information on improprieties in the Congresswoman’s personal life, finances, and criminal history, her first instinct was to lie her way out of it. She went on the Sean Hannity Show, Tomi Lahren’s fake news show, and more, doubling down on her lies, saying that we had fabricated everything and threatened to sue our PAC, our leadership, and even our donors, for defamation. 


To prove defamation you must show that what the offending party said about you was a lie; in court that means going under oath and providing testimony and evidence to prove how the defamatory statements were indeed lies. Well, it’s been almost a year now and we still haven’t heard a peep from Boebert or her lawyers about her threatened lawsuit. Why? 


Because if she actually took us to court, our accusations against her would be proven true and she would get caught in yet more lies. 


This is exactly why we are filing a defamation lawsuit of our own against her in a Colorado court this June. In addition to trying to reclaim damages for her defamation of our PAC, the lawsuit doubles as what is known in legal circles as a Perjury Trap. As part of the suit Boebert will have to participate in a taped deposition under oath. If she chooses to stick to her lies she will be found guilty of perjury, a sentence which carries up to five years under Colorado law. 


So Boebert, please keep lying! We’re excited to see where you land if you keep it up. :) 


As we head into the home stretch, filing our lawsuit, a donation of whatever you can spare will help us prevent any attempts from Team Boebert and the Colorado/National GOP to nip our lawsuit in the bud before the date of our filing. John, can you chip in?

Thank you for your help towards getting this pathological liar out of Congress. 


Andrew H. 

Finance Team 

American Muckraker PAC


To contribute via check, please address to: 



 Spruce Pine, NC


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