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Code Red!! Code Red!!

Seeking Republican candidates and those who want to support candidates in their race. There is an opportunity to take advantage of grassroots conservative training with Leadership Institute's June Training Series. This is an opportunity to "Lock Arms" and help the Great State of Hawai'i to "WIN MORE IN 2024."
Seats are limited, so sign-up today! 

Message from the Leadership Institute -

Many conservative strategists and consultants have totally written off Hawaii as a failed progressive state, but your Leadership Institute (LI) is sending in reinforcements to help stop the Aloha State from sliding more and more leftward with each passing election. Thanks to the generous support of a few key donors, LI is scheduling dozens of trainings for grassroots conservative activists just like you across Hawaii between now and November 2024 to ensure conservatives in our State have a clear choice in our local elections. If LI can train 1,000 grassroots activists in the next year, Hawaii conservatives can begin the process of defeating far-left progressives from Hilo to Hanalei – and all points in between.


I’m sending you this email because we can’t do it without your help today. I believe you and I can turn Hawaii into a state conservatives can be proud of again. I've been hired as Hawaii's first State Director to help organize and implement our most aggressive state-wide training strategy to date. 


Will you join me in this effort? You can join your fellow Hawaii conservatives at one of these workshops next week! Or, if you can't make it, let your friends know about these opportunities!  I’m bringing experts like Dr. Mark Campbell and David Reade, who have all organized for conservative candidates – and won! – in some of the most progressive communities in the country.


At these vital Hawaii trainings, attendees will learn how to:

• Create an organized campaign plan and strategy

• Identify a pathway to victory

• Create a budget and effectively use campaign funds for voter contact

• Research the district, opponent, and candidates 


Check out our June Training Series and sign up today. Limited seats are available for each session to give attendees ample time to interact with our experienced and expert speakers.


  Thinking of running for office in 2024?
Fill out this Form and I will reach out to you soon! 

Mahalo nui loa,

Teri K. Savaiinaea

Vice Chair Candidate Recruitment and Training

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