News from Representative Mikie Sherrill


A Message from Congresswoman Sherrill

Dear Friends,

With summer around the corner, just like you, I am looking forward to spending time with my family as school lets out. First, I wanted to share some highlights from a busy May in NJ-11 and Washington. As your Representative, I am always listening to you and bringing our shared New Jersey values back to Washington as I advocate for our district. This month, I spearheaded efforts to:

  • Protect our economy from a catastrophic default
  • Lower commuting costs for New Jerseyans
  • Fight for servicewomen and women veterans
  • Invest in New Jersey manufacturing and innovation
  • Advocate for equity in the NCAA
  • Protect women’s healthcare and freedom

Keep reading to learn more about how each of these initiatives will impact New Jerseyans.

It was also moving to come together as a community to honor our fallen service members and their families on Memorial Day.

Check out my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news and updates from my office.



Mikie Sherrill
Member of Congress

Protecting Our Economy from A Catastrophic Default

Watch more here

I voted to avert a dangerous default that would have significantly increased mortgage, auto, and student loan costs for families in New Jersey, pushed our economy into recession, and cost our nation 6 million jobs.

Although this began with House Republicans voting to strip veterans of access to healthcare, slash Head Start and childcare programs, and eliminate the clean energy tax credits that have already led to billions in private sector investment, Democrats were able to beat back the GOP’s reckless agenda. We are keeping the promises we made to our veterans like protecting VA care for those exposed to burn pits and toxic chemicals, and ensuring the innovation and research investments that power New Jersey’s economy are not gutted.

Click to read more

While playing chicken with the full faith and credit of the United States, Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans delayed the consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act. This legislation raises salaries for our service men and women and provides for childcare and healthcare for military families. I joined my fellow Veterans to call attention to the importance of caring for those who have served. Watch to learn more here.

Lowering Commuting Costs for New Jerseyans

Learn more about my plan here

New York’s congestion pricing plan is an unfair double tax on New Jerseyans–it shouldn’t cost $40 to get to work. I’m leading a bipartisan group of New Jersey colleagues calling on New York Governor Kathy Hochul to cancel this plan and focus on reinvesting in public transportation.

Fighting for Servicewomen and Women Veterans

Read the full article here

After I received disturbing reports about sexual assault at NAS Pensacola and retaliation against the women aviators speaking out against their attackers, I questioned Secretary Del Toro, Admiral Gilday, and General Berger on the unacceptable response from the Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. It is unconscionable that the price women are expected to pay to serve our nation in our Marine Corps is hazing, harassment, and sexual assault. Watch my full testimony here.


I am proud to be a part of the historic number of women veterans currently serving in Congress. Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, Congresswoman Jen Kiggans, and I relaunched the Servicewomen and Women Veterans Caucus. We will continue our efforts to better serve the fastest growing group in our armed forces and veteran population by fighting for better access to healthcare, childcare, and protections from sexual assault and harassment.

Investing in New Jersey Manufacturing and Innovation


In Congress, I’m working to ensure New Jersey businesses have the tools they need to compete in a global economy and level the playing field for our workers. As a member of the Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party, I questioned experts on how we can continue to invest in American research and development. Watch my testimony here.

I also caught up with NJBIZ to talk about my goals for this committee, check it out here.

Advocating for Equity in the NCAA

Read about our conversation here

Earlier this year, I sent NCAA President Baker a letter asking to meet during his first 100 days in office so we can get started on key initiatives – like the WINS Act, legislation I introduced to advance equity in the NCAA. I am grateful that Mr. Baker accepted my invitation to discuss how we can work together to advance the promise of Title IX and promote equality in college athletics.

Protecting Women’s Healthcare and Freedom

Click to read about my bill

Anti-abortion extremists are using court loopholes to attack the rights and freedoms of women across the country. That’s why I have introduced legislation that aims to end the tactic of handpicking anti-abortion judges and predetermining the outcome of a case that would result in a decision that impacts the healthcare and freedom of people across the country. Read more about it here.

Observing Memorial Day

Watch Here

On Memorial Day, I think of the fellow soldiers my grandfather served alongside in WWII who never made it home. I think of those I served with throughout my time in the Navy who made the ultimate sacrifice. During Memorial Day, we remember the generations of Americans who have given their lives to protect the democracy and freedoms we hold dear.


Those who served in Vietnam did not, and often still do not, receive recognition and respect for their service. To honor Memorial Day, I joined a bipartisan group of colleagues and veterans to honor those who gave their lives at the annual washing of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.

Watch our conversation here

May was Jewish History Month, and it was an honor to sit down with Jewish WWII veteran and NJ-11 resident Jerry Sorell to hear about how he left Europe shortly before the Holocaust, came to the United States, and signed up to fight in the U.S. Army. His story is one of incredible perseverance that will be shared with future generations.
